Two steps forward and three steps back, well maybe. It seems the bad news has just kept
coming ever since the ice storm, as though it were an omen of things to come. The effect weather, and mother nature in general has on us can be overwhelming or at least a continuing battle. That has been the case with this winter. Throw in a plummeting economy and we have a complete package. Begging for Spring seems the only certainty, outside of death and taxes and those have already hit.

With the economy taking this downward turn, buying paintings seems to be more of a reach than ever for a lot of people. So, taking a step backward I have returned to web and graphic design. The first step was getting my resume together. Having been away from design on a professional level it seems my software and even my hardware was lacking for current standards. With the updates in place I have done a complete re-design of my web site, adding a section on design. So even though I have gone back to design, I have also moved forward. I am confident I can produce the designs I imagine with the new tools.
Going backwards, what do you charge? Yes, it doesn't end with a switch

Not to worry, I am anxious to paint as well. I have spent a great deal of time working on my design and technical skills, but time to paint is essential. In fact I even managed to get a few paintings completed before my turn to the technical. One of the paintings though, will not be for sale. The painting of Mike and Carl is mine. Yea, like that little kid "M I N E". It was from a photo I had taken of the two of them during one summer trip to their favorite swimming pond. It seems like it could be any two boys on a country summer day, but its Mike and Carl and its mine. So even though the painting is new, it's of a time and place gone by.
Along this little trip of back and forth, I signed up on Facebook as a marketing tool. There were some surprises when I started looking for "friends". I plugged in my high school and year of graduation and there they were, Sue and Debbie, Maura, Eileen and Judy. Touching base with each of them was a delightful step back. A bunch more folks were there too, some I hadn't spoken with since Freshman year of high school. A few steps back is sometimes a wonderful place. A firm footing that seems hard to get in such an icy winter.
Winter is almost gone, Spring is around the corner, the days are longer and maybe things are going to brighten all around.